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Explanatory note

The theme of the project - Electronic textbook on discipline "Probability theory, mathematical statistics and random processes"

Introduction 7

1 Statement of the problem and the feasibility study 10

2 Theoretical part 21

2.1 The concept of development of educational electronic editions and resources 21

2.1.1 Publications and resources 21

2.1.2 New pedagogical tools 24

2.1.3 The level of interactivity 28

2.1.4 Conceptual generalization 35

2.2 Main stages of development of the electronic textbook 37

2.3 Development of the structure and the navigation map tutorial 41

2.3.1 Partitioning material sections 42

2.3.2 The choice of source 47

2.3.3. The development of the navigation map tutorial. 48

3 Algorithmic part 50

3.1 Development of a glossary and software modules 50

3.1.1. Determining the structure of the modules and the file names 50

3.1.2. Development of electronic pages. 52

3.2 Development of navigation and reference system 62

3.2.1 Development of the navigation system 62

3.2.2. Help System Development 66

3.3 Development funds the organization of training and control of knowledge 69

3.3.1 The organization of the learning process and knowledge control 69

3.3.2 Mode of independent work with the textbook 70

3.3.3 Mode of examination 74

4 Development program documentation 80

4.1 Development of the document "Program and methods of testing" 81

4.2 Development of the document "Programmer's Guide" 85

3 4. Development of the document "Operator's Manual" 86

5 Experimental Part 88

5.1 Experimental studies 88

5.2 Analysis of experimental results. 95

6 The economic part 96

6.1 Calculation of labor intensity of development. 96

6.2 Estimating the cost of developing the software 99

6.3 Calculations and conclusions on the effectiveness of the proposals 102

7 Safety and environmental project 105

7.1 Analysis of dangerous and harmful factors at work with the PC 105

7.2 Normalization of neuropsychiatric load on the operator in the implementation of information technologies 110

7.2.1 Analysis of psychophysiological stress 110

7.2.2 Workplace with PC 112

7.2.3 The organization of work and rest while working with the PC 116

7.3 Sustainability of the project 117

Conclusion 118

List of sources used 120

Applications 122

ANNEX A Listing of software modules 122

APPENDIX B program and test procedure 130

APPENDIX B 137 Operator's Manual

APPENDIX D Programmer's Guide 145

APPENDIX D graphical material to the diploma project 149

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