Content: S20-024.docx (15.75 KB)
Uploaded: 17.04.2020

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Plotkin beat his neighbor Smagin. The latter turned to the police and a criminal case was instituted against Plotkin. Subsequently, Plotkin was released from criminal liability, as he reconciled with the victim and transferred 2,000 rubles to him in compensation for the damage. After that, Plotkin killed an elk in the reserve. The huntsman pursued him, but Plotkin managed to escape. A few days later, after consulting with a lawyer he knew, Plotkin came to the police, talked about the crime, handed out a gun from which he illegally hunted, and said that he was ready to fully compensate the damage caused to nature.
Is it possible in this case to release the offender from criminal liability, if so, in connection with what?
After payment you will be available a link to the solution of this problem in the file of MS Word. It should be noted that the problem solutions put up for sale were successfully handed over in the period 2009-2019 and could be outdated. However, the general algorithm will always remain true.
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